Choice Voting Nominations

Pending Candidates

In the nominations process, some candidates may be classified as pending. These candidates have submitted their information, but the election administrator did not enable automatic approval, requiring manual approval for each candidate as they enter the system. Here’s a detailed explanation of how the pending candidates process works:

Submission Process

  1. Filling Out the Form: Candidates begin by completing and submitting the nomination form with all required information as defined by the election admin using the prospective candidate form builder.

  2. Pending Status: Upon submission, these candidates are placed into a pending status, awaiting review by the election administrator. They will not be included in the election until they have been manually approved.

Manual Approval Process

  1. Admin Notification: The system alerts the election administrator that there are new candidates in the pending queue awaiting approval.

  2. Review: The election administrator reviews each candidate’s nomination form to ensure they meet the required criteria and qualifications.

Approval Decision:

  1. Approval: If the candidate meets all the necessary criteria, the administrator manually approves the candidate, moving them from pending to approved status, which will also automatically add the approved candidate into the main election build.

  2. Rejection: If the candidate does not meet the required criteria, the administrator may reject the nomination, and the candidate will not be included in the election. The administrator may enter a reason for rejection which will be included in an email to the prospective candidate.

Workflow for Pending Candidates

  1. Candidate Submission: Candidates submit their nomination forms with all the required information.

  2. Pending Queue: Submitted forms enter the pending queue, awaiting manual review by the election administrator.

  3. Admin Review: The administrator reviews each form, checking for completeness and adherence to the nomination criteria.

Approval or Rejection:

  1. Approval: The administrator approves candidates who meet the criteria, and these candidates are then included in the election.

  2. Rejection: Candidates who do not meet the criteria are rejected and informed of the decision.

  3. Notification: Candidates are notified of their approval or rejection status. Approved candidates receive details about their inclusion in the election and any further steps they need to take.