Choice Voting Nominations

Setting up notice emails

Choice Voting ® Nomination platform allows you to setup general information email notices, and automated reminder email notices.

From the email settings page you may edit the layout and content of these notification emails.

General emails and purpose

Email Type

Description and purpose

Initial Invite Email

The initial invitation email a prospective candidate receives

Invite Reminder Email

The reminder email a prospective candidate receives

Candidacy Approval Email

The email a candidate receives if they candidacy is approved

Candidacy Rejection Email

The email a candidate receives if they candidacy is rejected

Automated emails and purpose

Email Type

Description and purpose

Candidacy Form Reminder

Reminder to prospective candidates who have partially completed their candidacy form but haven't submitted yet

Nomination Summary

Email to the Election Administrator summarising Nomination Submissions

Understanding the Difference Between Automated Emails and General Emails

When managing an election or nomination process, it’s important to understand the roles of automated emails and general email notifications. Both types of emails serve important functions, but they differ in timing, purpose, and the level of manual intervention required. Here’s a detailed explanation to enhance your understanding:

General Emails

General emails are typically sent at specific, predetermined moments during your nomination or election process. These emails often require some level of manual intervention or decision-making to be sent. For example:

  • Reminder Emails: These are sent to potential candidates who have not yet responded to your initial invitation. You may decide to send these reminders at various stages to ensure maximum participation.

  • Announcements: Emails announcing the start of the nomination period or the opening of voting may also be considered general emails. They are often crafted and scheduled based on the timeline of your election process.

Key Characteristics of General Emails:

  • Manual Intervention: They often require you to initiate the sending process, such as deciding when and to whom to send reminder emails.

  • Specific Events: These emails are tied to particular events or milestones in your process, such as the opening of nominations or the start of voting.

  • Customisation: You have the flexibility to customise the content and timing of these emails to suit your specific needs.

Automated Emails

Automated emails, on the other hand, are triggered by specific actions or statuses within the nomination process. Once set up, they do not require further manual intervention. For example:

  • Incomplete Nominations: If a candidate starts filling out a nomination form but hasn’t completed all the required information, an automated email can be sent to remind them to finish the form in good time before the nominations process closes.

  • Submission Confirmations: When a candidate submits their nomination form, an automated email can be sent to confirm receipt and provide further instructions or information.

Key Characteristics of Automated Emails:

  • No Manual Intervention Needed: Once the conditions for triggering these emails are set, they are sent automatically based on specific actions taken by the candidates.

  • Real-Time Triggers: These emails are sent in real-time as soon as the trigger condition is met, ensuring timely communication.

  • Consistency: Automated emails ensure that every candidate receives the necessary information without delay or oversight, maintaining a consistent communication flow.